Unlock the Web!

Unlock the Web!

Unlock the Web!

Agent Driven Data Extraction

Agent Driven Data Extraction

Enhance every aspect of your business sales, ensuring satisfaction, loyalty, and unparalleled service. 

Thanks to AI of course.

Need something immediately?

Need something immediately?

Enhance every aspect of your business sales, ensuring satisfaction, loyalty, and unparalleled service. 

Thanks to AI of course.


  • Human Resources

  • ML Model Training

  • Lead Generation

  • E Commerce

  • Market Research

  • Content Aggregation

  • Human Resources

  • ML Model Training

  • Lead Generation

  • E Commerce

  • Market Research

  • Content Aggregation


Harness the Power of AI for Smarter Data Collection

Skrapy is here to get you the most relevant data in the form you want!

All the features you’ll need

Choose your format.

Just use your words to tell the agent the format you want.

Structured Data Retrieval

Got a file or website you want structured data from? We got you

Connect your database

Monitor data where required and push changes to your database in realtime

No Code

Just give your instructions in text and watch the agent do your work.


We don't save your credentials. Provide authentication directly to the website.

Visual Agents

No backend functions or opaque API calls. Watch our agents in action - right in your browser.

Generate Leads

Build Foundational Models

Find the right recuits

Get your favourite listings

Do Market Research


We've all the answers

What is Skrapy

Skrapy is an AI-powered agent specifically designed for web data scraping at scale, helping businesses automate data collection from various online sources.

How does Skrapy handle different website layouts?

When will you launch?

How can I get started with Skrapy?

I want an immediate demo

How can I get involved?

What is Skrapy

Skrapy is an AI-powered agent specifically designed for web data scraping at scale, helping businesses automate data collection from various online sources.

How does Skrapy handle different website layouts?

When will you launch?

How can I get started with Skrapy?

I want an immediate demo

How can I get involved?

What is Skrapy

Skrapy is an AI-powered agent specifically designed for web data scraping at scale, helping businesses automate data collection from various online sources.

How does Skrapy handle different website layouts?

When will you launch?

How can I get started with Skrapy?

I want an immediate demo

How can I get involved?

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